On September 16th 2019 the new production location of the CREBONIT Group in Tczew has started the production as CREBONIT COATINGS Sp.Zoo.
The brand new production is located in the industrial zone of Tczew, close by to the city of Gdansk and Gdynia offering great connections to the Baltics, Ukraine, Russia as well as a international Sea Port for export.
With its 5.000 m² the new location offers the space for offices, lab, rawmaterial- and ready goods store as well as a 2.000 m² production unit. Equipped with brand new equipment such as Dissolvers, Mixers, Mills and Filling stations, the new location adds 10.000 t/Year capacity to CREBONIT´s existing units.
Interested – get in touch with us! info@crebonitgroup.com.