General information
The content of these Internet pages exclusively serves to provide general information about the products and services of the crebonit group. These information items do not constitute technical instructions and advice on products and services. The content of these Internet pages has been designed responsibly based on subject knowledge, reflects the state-of-the-art but can only contain general information.
Any use of these Internet pages or links is at the users’ own risk. Crebonit Coatings GmbH cannot be held liable for damages in the context with this information. We do not provide any assurance or guarantee for the correctness and completeness of the information made available or referred to. We do not assume liability for third party information. Because the anti-corrosion protection task is always determined by the concrete specific stress at the respective site guarantees can only be granted following the technical advice and confirmation of the products and the coatings manufactured from them by our specialists.
Please contact our specialists at the sales department and technical office in regard to concrete tasks you want to undertake with our products and services. The operating instructions, the technical bulletin and the safety data sheet must be observed before using or processing our products. Duplicating and otherwise using the information and photos on these Internet pages is not permitted without the written consent of Crebonit Coatings GmbH.
All information without guaranty; any liability through incomplete or obsolete information is excluded. Crebonit Coatings GmbH reserves to make changes without prior announcement without liability being derived from this. The personal data received in the framework of the service/contact Internet pages is used confidentially and exclusively for the purpose of processing the queries.