Our new versatile activated Coating – CREBOPOX Guard ZG16 UHS – combines best in class corrosion protection with the usage of multipurpose corrosion inhibitors, active pigments and polyesters, with the application benefits of a classical epoxy coating. The new product is now available for all segments and all distribution regions.
Specially designed for ACE and based on new binder technology, the product offers a truly Ultra High Solid performance with an 71 % volume Solids and 85 % weight solids content. This grants low VOC emissions and high coverage with best in class protection in combination with a low NDFT applicability.
Besides the ultra high solid content, the product can be used on several substrates such as carbon steel, aluminium, galvanized surface, GRP and several types of plastic. The reachable NDFT varies between 40 µm till 150 µm – always offering top corrosion protection.
The low viscosity grants full applicability for all types of spray equipment including normal Spray guns, HVLP, Airless, Airmix and high rotation bell spray. All this in typical CREBONIT know how manner with excellent wet-on-wet applicability with 2K products in multi-layer systems = focus on stability and process speed!
Interested – get in touch with us! info@crebonitgroup.com